By now, most of us have cabin fever. What do you do when all the spring cleaning and to do lists are done? I will tell you, try your hand at a redesign. It will cost you very little and challenge the creative designer in you. It's in there you just need a little coaxing. What have you got to loose?
First you will need some inspiration. It can come from anywhere, really. The internet is your best friend for that. Sit down scroll, brainstorm and start to formulate your vision. Sometimes sketching it out or using a free home design app really helps with that. Don't be afraid to shop from other rooms, the attic, or even the garage depending on where you are storing all your stuff. I have found over the years some of the most creative moments I have had were when I had very little to work with, it made me stretch and think outside the box. I always say paint, a different rug, different pillows, and window fashions (which don't need to be super custom expensive) will definitely go a long way for your redesign.
Some really easy fixes are changing your pictures out, or even changing the picture frames by adding a different finish such as paint, or even adding a textile. One thing I have done over this "Lock Down" is change out my artwork from another room. I didn't even have to change most of the hardware positions as I was able to choose art in similar sizes. That really changed the look of my living room. Too, try different accessory placements around the house. One good formula to start with for a coffee table is a floral, a few books, and a few decorative objects (box, balls, statuary, and sculptural pieces). Tackle that bookshelf that could use a dusting while your at it. Think in serpentine lines when designing your shelves. By this I mean start at the top and place the larger object on the left side, and smaller on the other to include books. Next shelf do the opposite, right side gets the larger object. Continue this basic formula to the bottom shelf. This is a real basic formula that will need some tweaking when you are done, but it is an overall starting point. It is like a puzzle and you will know when all the pieces are in the right place. Clear as mud? Good. Now go and play my children, there are no failures! Only lessons learned.
If you are really adventurous, how about ordering up some faux florals and getting creative to add a little "nature" into the mix. Floral design is a really good exercise in being present, and there are plenty of tutorials out there to help you. Finally, try your hand at space planning and see if you can configure your furniture in a different way. If you need to practice first, download an app for that. Now is the perfect time to change your looks, afterall, all we have is time. Enjoy your new challenge, and I would love to hear about your experiences with redesign. Stay safe, and stay home for now!